Larry craig dan popkey
Larry craig dan popkey

larry craig dan popkey

They are telling their stories now because they are offended by Craig's denials, including his famous statement, "I am not gay, I never have been gay." Those words, spoken on live national TV on Aug. They say they had sex with Craig or that he made a sexual advance or that he paid them unusual attention. Four gay men, willing to put their names in print and whose allegations can't be disproved, have come forward since news of U.S. Guess they'll have to have a Craig Memorial Stall there too. Popkey writes, "Until Monday, the Statesman had declined to run a story about Craig's sex life, because the paper didn't have enough corroborating evidence and because of the senator's steadfast denial." Apparently, to Dan Popkey and the Idaho Statesman, those denials by Senator Larry Craig at last ring hollow.This post, written by Pam Spaulding, originally appeared on Pandagon " The Idaho Stateman's Dan Popkey, who has been on the receiving end of serious ire from Larry Craig for daring to follow up with Mike Rogers' stories about the senator's long history of homosex trolling, calls the senator's bluff by getting - on audio - descriptions on the record of their dailliances with Craig, including another airport bathroom cruising story, this time in Denver. Second, he was tired of Rogers picking on congressional staffers and offered him the chance to "out" a senator. A lifelong Republican, he recently had re-registered as a Democrat because he's angry with what he sees as the GOP's gay-bashing. He estimated the encounter lasted three or four minutes. The man said the sex occurred in two restrooms on a weekday afternoon. On May 12, two days before its interview with Craig, the Statesman finally interviewed Rogers' "best source," the man who says he is certain he had a brief sexual encounter with Craig at Union Station, which is two blocks from Craig's office. The Statesman also explored dozens of allegations that proved untrue, unclear or unverifiable.

larry craig dan popkey

The Statesman also spoke with a man who said Craig made a sexual advance toward him at the University of Idaho in 1967 and a man who said Craig "cruised" him for sex in 1994 at the REI store in Boise.

larry craig dan popkey

The 40-year-old man reported having oral sex with Craig at Washington's Union Station, probably in 2004.


The most serious finding by the Statesman was the report by a professional man with close ties to Republican officials. Over five months, the Statesman examined rumors about Craig dating to his college days and his 1982 pre-emptive denial that he had sex with underage congressional pages. The Craig interview was the culmination of a Statesman investigation that began after a blogger accused Craig of homosexual sex in October. In an interview on May 14, Craig told the Idaho Statesman he'd never engaged in sex with a man or solicited sex with a man. But now, with Senator Craig's admitted arrest in June by an undercover officer in Minnesota for lewd behavior in an airport bathroom, and his subsequent guilty plea earlier this month to disorderly conduct, the Idaho Statesman and Dan Popkey apparently feel they can now release their report.

Larry craig dan popkey